August 3, 2024 is the 29th day of the sixth lunar month in the Year of the Dragon, which is an auspicious day. Master Shi Xing Wu the abbot of Xing Wu Zen Temple in Canada, chose today to be an auspicious day to welcome the thirty-first disciple into his family group, whose name is Yongnuo.

The master and his disciples knelt in front of the Buddha. The master held incense and said: “In gratitude to the Buddha’s grace, master and disciple have chosen this auspicious day to accept the disciple Yongnuo as my thirty-first disciple, Amitabha!

The Master sprinkles it clean.

The master recited the “Three Refuges”, “Take refuge in the Buddha, take refuge in the Dharma, take refuge in the Sangha…”. The disciples listened to the master’s teachings, worshiped the Buddha in accordance with the law and rules, and formally took refuge in the Three Jewels and Buddhism.

The master holds a precept board to eliminate karma and increase blessings for his disciples.

The master used incense to help his disciples dispel disasters and turn them into fortunes .

Taking refuge in the Three Jewels is over and the apprenticeship ceremony begins. The disciples performed the bowing ceremony of kneeling three times and kowtowing nine times to Master Shi Xing Wu. The disciple knelt down in front of the master and listened to the master’s teachings.

Master Shi Xingwu sat upright and taught his disciples: “Today, I officially accept you as a disciple and convert to Buddhism. You must strictly abide by the three refuges, five obediences and ten good deeds of Buddhism. You must always show compassion and make offerings to the Buddha with kindness. , make offerings to the Dharma, and make offerings to the monks. We must obey Master’s teachings, and pass on Master’s Dharma, Kungfu, and charity. We must respect Master, respect fellow teachers, brothers and sisters, support each other, and learn from each other, and more importantly, to society, family, and all sentient beings. Have a kind heart and a compassionate heart, can you do it?

The disciple responded loudly: “I can do it!”

Master continued to teach:”I now accept you as my thirty-third generation disciple. I welcome you to join the big family of Xing Wu Zen Temple. I hope you will learn more about traditional Chinese culture, Chinese, Buddhism, Kung Fu, be more humble, study more, and work harder. , always making progress.”

The apprenticeship ceremony ended successfully, and the Dharma joy filled us! From today on, my disciple Yongnuo officially becomes the 33rd generation disciple of Master Shi Xing Wu. He officially takes refuge in the Three Jewels and Buddhism. From now on, he will follow Master Shi Xing Wu into the righteous path of Buddhism.

According to the “Bodhisattva Sutra”: 

A disciple is one who has good seeds, possesses the root of wisdom, respects the Buddha’s Dharma, has a clear mind and nature, makes offerings to the Master, is willing to follow the Master throughout his life, carries forward the Master’s great aspirations, and inherits the Master’s mantle. 

The disciples who want to become a master must possess the “Three Refuges, Five Refuges, and Ten Good Deeds.” These are the precepts established by the Buddha. 

In order to teach disciples to follow the rules and uphold them, it is a panacea to restrain the mind and body, stop evil and do good. After taking refuge in the Three Jewels, you can receive the Five Precepts, become a disciple of the Buddha, accumulate good roots, and move toward the Buddha’s path. 

Three refuges: refuge in the Buddha, refuge in the Dharma, and refuge in the Sangha. 

The Five Rules: Do not kill, do not steal, do not engage in sexual misconduct, do not lie, and do not drink alcohol. 

The Ten Good Deeds: Do not kill, do not steal, do not engage in sexual misconduct, do not speak harshly, do not speak nonsense, do not lie, do not gossip, do not be greedy, do not be angry, and do not be deluded.

Congratulations to the junior brother, Yongnuo, for his self-purification of Buddha nature, his joy in entering Buddhism, and following his master in martial arts and Buddhism. We wish our fellow practitioners to achieve happiness and wisdom as soon as possible.     

              Namo Amitabha!